CPC Invited to Contribute to Labour’s Mental Health Review

Invitation to Contribute to Labour’s Mental Health Review by Luciana Berger

CPC was established to represent  the profession of Child Psychotherapy across all modalities, and as such  are supremely well placed to contribute. We are fully supportive of the  review and hopeful about the initiative. 

The window for contributions is short, but we will be working on our response and recommendations  to submit in the next few days.

CPC aims to highlight the need for appropriate qualification for counsellors and psychotherapists who work with children, particularly children younger than 12. Whilst excited by the Labour Party’s proposal "to create 8,500 more mental health professionals, provide mental health support in every school and put mental health hubs into every community”, we believe that counsellors who have undergone a generic counselling training are often not equipped to work with vulnerable children and are not trained to use nonverbal ways of expression, nor have the knowledge of child development, neuroscience and the complexity of issues children present within the current mental health crisis in our society. 

Our evidence to the review will explain the value of  fully trained and qualified child psychotherapists, and what they are able to contribute to the mental health of children and young people in Britain today.


Child Psychotherapy at schools, from the perspective of a Headteacher


CPC CPD Event: Touch in Child Psychotherapy