
The Child Psychotherapy Council (CPC) is a not-for-profit organisation established for the advancement of child psychotherapy as a distinct profession from other practices in the field of child and adolescent mental health.

The charity was set up by the executive committee led by Bozena Merrick. All members are experienced child psychotherapists, trained to masters level or above.

All accredited members of CPC have trained to the highest professional standards of child psychotherapy, have been through intense personal therapy of at least five years in duration, have conducted thorough observation studies and trained in psychopathology and mental health related to children and young people. 

Purpose and professional activities

As a representative body for the profession of child psychotherapy, CPC engages with practitioners, training organisations, regulators, statutory and non-statutory mental health organisations for children and young people, policy makers and the general public. 

CPC offers a unique space for qualified and trainee child psychotherapists across all modalities to come together and share practice-based research and research-informed practice and participate in workshops. 

Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity

CPC is committed to ongoing review and reflection of our own practice in respect of equality, diversity and inclusivity. CPC supports practices that promote genuine equal opportunity for all members of CPC – trustees, board members, volunteers, employees and service users of all ages.

CPC aims to ensure that everyone has access to psychotherapeutic services regardless of race, age, gender, disability, sexual orientation, social class, religion or belief and actively promotes poverty aware practice.

CPC actively opposes the practice of conversion therapy and does not accept those who practice conversion therapy as members of CPC.

Financial structure

Revenue is generated from membership fees and services provided to members.

If you'd like to join CPC, get in touch