A Message from Bozena Merrick CPC Chair

Almost two years ago, a group of dedicated and passionate child psychotherapists got
together, united by the idea of creating a real change in the field of Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy.

We come with the strong opinion that a child is not just a small adult. Working therapeutically with children requires an in-depth knowledge of child development, neuroscience, child mental health, alongside considerable experience of infant observation which underpins our attuned practice, and skills in non-verbal techniques of communicating with the child’s internal world.

This requires a complex and long training, coupled with intense personal development so the psychotherapist’s personal material does not interfere in intricate work with a child or young person.

Generic counselling and psychotherapy courses do not prepare graduates to work with
children. Yet, we see that up and down the country, in schools, statutory and non-statutory organisations and, most dangerously - in private practice unqualified people work with children of all ages. It was out of the passion for the recognition that child psychotherapy is a distinct profession with its own set of standards for education and training, stringent practice and supervision requirements and ongoing professional development the Child Psychotherapy Council was born.

We are a small organisation with a big vision. We want to provide a professional home for appropriately qualified and experienced child and adolescent psychotherapist of all modalities and theoretical stances. We have an ambition to form meaningful and creative alliances to influence the existing services. We want the profession to explore and reflect deeply on the issues of intersectionality and encourage race and poverty informed practices.

For those who successfully went through our Individual Accreditation process and those
currently in training to become Child Psychotherapists we provide professional holding and support, access to information on evidence-based practice in the field, opportunities for clinical dialogue and access to referrals.

For the members of the public, particularly those who are looking for a Child Psychotherapist of the highest credentials we provide support in making the referral.
For those who are seeking information about the profession we provide signposting to the best child psychotherapy training organisations in the country.

For organisations who might consider creating a provision for children they work with we offer guidance and support.

For decision makers we will offer researched based information and professional opinion with the view to influence their decisions about the psychological needs of children and young people.

As the Chair of CPC, I am delighted that our hard work resulted in a professionally formed, Registered Charity with a robust accreditation process for Child Psychotherapists. I hope you can join us, whether you are qualified or still in training, to be inspired, informed and supported in your work within our profession.


Dr Alix Hearn talks to Chrissie Pollard